- DarkLight
Get Advertiser Performance Report
- DarkLight
GET reports aggregated by advertiser
The advertiser performance report aggregates transactions, clicks and impressions for all advertisers a publisher works with.
Who can use it
publisher id
access token
date type, if not set - 'transaction' is the default
end date
start date
time zone in short or default format
Further details on query parameters
parameter | format | mandatory/optional |
startDate | yyyy-MM-dd | mandatory |
endDate | yyyy-MM-dd | mandatory |
dateType | transaction validation | optional (falls back to "transaction" if not set) |
region | currently supported: AT AU BE BR (Brazil programs running in BRL) BU (Brazil programs running in USD) CA CH DE DK ES FI FR GB IE IT NL NO PL SE US | mandatory |
timezone | America/Sao_Paulo Australia/Sydney Europe/Berlin Europe/Dublin Europe/Helsinki Europe/London Europe/Paris Canada/Central Canada/Eastern Canada/Mountain Canada/Pacific US/Central US/Eastern US/Mountain US/Pacific UTC | mandatory |
Which data fields do we provide
field name | description |
advertiserId | ID of the advertiser/ corresponding with advertiserName |
advertiserName | Name of the advertiser/ corresponding with advertiserId |
publisherId | ID of the publisher/ corresponding with publisherName |
publisherName | Name of the publisher/ corresponding with publisherId |
region | |
currency | ISO code |
impressions | number of impressions |
clicks | number of clicks |
pendingNo | number of pending transactions |
pendingValue | value of the pending transactions |
pendingComm | commissions of the pending transactions |
confirmedNo | number of confirmed transactions |
confirmedValue | value of confirmed transactions |
confirmedComm | commission of the confirmed transactions |
bonusNo | number of bonus transactions |
bonusValue | value of the bonus transactions |
bonusComm | commission of the bonus transactions |
totalNo | total number of transactions |
totalValue | value of all transactions |
totalComm | commission of all transactions |
declinedNo | number of declined transactions |
declinedValue | value of declined transactions |
declinedComm | commission of declined transactions |