- 10 Feb 2025
- DarkLight
- Updated on 10 Feb 2025
- DarkLight
Compatibility Notice
The Awin extension has only been validated with standard Magento themes. We provide no guarantee that the extension will be compatible with other themes.
Supported Tracking Types & Features
Method and feature support notes are based on the latest available extension version. If a feature is not present on your shop, please ensure you have updated the Awin extension.
Each of these tracking methods is required for compliance with our Tracking Policy. To review the Awin Tracking Policy, please reach out to your Awin point-of-contact.
✅ Conversion Tag
✅ Fall-back Conversion Pixel
✅ Server-to-Server (S2S)
✅ Deduplication
✅ Customer Acquisition
Installation and Configuration
Current Extension Version: 1.3.1, compatible with Magento versions 2.3, 2.4.
The most efficient way to integrate Awin’s tracking with your site is to use our Magento extension, also available on the Adobe Marketplace.
The Awin extension includes our Hybrid tracking solution with its benefits. The extension will trigger the tracking tags on order confirmation pages and the tracking tags will include all aspects of tracking, including client-side conversion tags, fallback image pixel, server-to-server tracking, and the Awin Mastertag on all pages.
Adobe Commerce (Magento) have announced the deprecation of the "Web Setup Wizard". This section of the admin dashboard will be completely removed from Adobe Commerce (Magento) store versions 2.4.0 onwards. Due to the changes (suggested by Adobe Commerce (Magento)), you will need to use SSH/Command Line to install any extension onto your Adobe Commerce (Magento) store.
Please also see the Magento FAQs section on the bottom of this page for any common issues you may encounter.
Step One: Downloading the Awin extension.
1. Go to Adobe Commerce (Magento) Marketplace and search for 'Awin'. Select and 'purchase' the latest Awin Tracking extension version that corresponds to your Adobe Commerce (Magento) store version (the extension is free - no payment details required).
2. Once purchased, click on 'Install' and setup your Access Keys if you haven't done so already. The 'How to Install' section also guides you on how to install and activate the Awin extension.
Step Two: Connecting to your website and installing the extension
1. Using the Command Line, connect to your SSH server.
2. Once connected, use the following command: cd stack/magento
3. Turn on 'maintenance mode': sudo bin/magento-cli maintenance:enable
4. Download the extension into the relevant folder: sudo composer require awin/module-advertisertracking:1.3.1 - Please change command to the version you downloaded.
5. Enable the Awin extension: sudo bin/magento-cli module:enable Awin_AdvertiserTracking
6. Register the extension and check for updates: sudo bin/magento-cli setup:upgrade - Please be patient, this step can take up to 2 minutes.
7. Compile and execute the extension: sudo bin/magento-cli setup:di:compile - Please be patient, this step can take up to 2 minutes.
8. Flush (clear) the store cache: sudo bin/magento-cli cache:flush
9. Turn off 'maintenance mode': sudo bin/magento-cli maintenance:disable
10. Now to finally configure the extension; go to your website's admin dashboard and select Marketing > Awin - Advertiser Tracking>General Settings. Type in your Advertiser ID and click 'Save Config'. If you’re unsure, you should have received this ID from your assigned integrator or you can find it in the Awin UI > Account > Overview
The Awin tracking extension should now be fully configured and you can move on to testing the tracking.
Stuck? Check out our Magento Integration video tutorial:
Tracking Features
The extension utilizes the source
query parameter from the landing page URL and passes this value along to the channel parameter of our tracking request for deduplication purposes.
It is important to note that only the source
query parameter will be used for deduplication, not the more commonly used utm_source
parameter. You should ensure that the source parameter is correctly configured for your program. Your Awin point of contact can assist you with changes to this configuration.
To implement this on Awin’s side, a source=aw
query parameter will be appended as standard with Magento extension setups under Default Query String Append in the Tracking Settings.
Additionally, the extension creates a cookie named source
to store the value of the source
parameter. This value will update accordingly each time the value of this parameter changes in the URL.
If you are configuring other channels, please ensure that they’re reporting to the
parameter with the proper value. (e.g. source=email, source=fb, source=na, etc.)
Customer Acquisition information is included in the tracking of the Magento extension, and this is appended to the client-side tracking tags. The customeracquistion parameter is set as follows:
• If a customer_id exists within the order items details, the customer is a returning customer and so the customer acquisition parameter will be set to “RETURNING”
• If it does not exist, the customer acquisition parameter will be set to “NEW”
The customer acquisition information in the tracking can eventually be used to set commission rules on Awin’s side, distinguishing between new and returning customers with each their applicable commission rates. Please refer to our commission flexibility guide for further information.
Product Level Tracking (PLT) information is sent via the extension’s tracking tags and follows the default format of an Awin PLT dataset:
Usage of Awin Consent Signals is one of the six core elements of Awin’s Tracking Policy. The Magento extension does currently not support native consent handling using Awin Consent Signals.
The preferred method of consent handling is an advertiser led decision, but we strongly recommend using Awin Consent Signals, and please also see more information on Consent Framework.
Product Feed
We are currently in the process of developing the Product Feed feature for the WooCommerce plugin to offer a seamless integration experience. While this feature is being built, you can use the third-party tool as an alternative. For setup instructions, please refer to this documentation.
Testing your Tracking
Please see our article on testing your Integration for further instruction.
Does the Magento extension work on Hyvä themes?
Magento shops on Hyvä themes are often customised to some extent, including customised tracking and in these cases limitations with our tracking may occur. As this is often the case, we cannot guarantee whether our Awin extension for standard Magento shops will function without issues in these cases. For more guidance, please reach out to your Awin technical point of contact.
The MasterTag (Dwin1 Tag) is firing intermittently on my website.
This discrepancy has been identified as a Adobe Commerce (Magento) cache problem (see below).
As seen in the screenshot, within the Admin Dashboard go to: System --> Cache Management --> Flush Magento Cache. Run a test transaction and if the issue persists, go back to 'Cache Management' and flush 'Cache Storage' too.
Can I use the plugin for my multi-site structure on Adobe Commerce (Magento)?
Our plugin is designed for a quick and easy integration so that it is easy to "plug and play". However, please reach out to your Awin technical contact so they can review your website setup. There may be a possible workaround depending on the setup and structure you have.
When an item name includes '|' (pipe) the Product Level Tracking (PLT) code does not acknowledge this
Our PLT uses pipe as a delimeter. For example, "advertiserID|order no|product name|..." and when an item is named "blue pens | set of 10", our product tracking code calculates this as a separate parameter and outputs "advertiserID|order no|blue pens|set of 10|...".
Solution: This has now been fixed with the latest updates to our Adobe Commerce (Magento) plugin.
I'm seeing a lot of undefined "BASE_URL" errors, including errors triggered by the Awin plugin
BASE_URL is a global variable and is a Adobe Commerce (Magento)-side issue.
Solution: BASE_URL should be defined, please consult your developer. For more information: click here for more information on BASE_URL.
The image pixel tracking is not being triggered on my confirmation page
This can be due to a optimization feature such as 'lazy loading'.
Solution: We suggest you take a look at every other third-party plugin or script you have implemented on your website. The keywords to look for are "speed optimizing", "caching", "lazy loading". These plugins either solely optimise images, or they will have an 'image optimizing' section within the plugin that "lazy loads" the image (aka delaying). Please make the necessary changes and run a test transaction.
What voucher code formats are accepted by Awin?
There are some special characters that will not be received by the Awin platform such as % or , or . and so these should not be used, any spacings should also be removed.
Solution: We suggest reviewing all the active voucher codes on your website and recommend that no special characters are used. For example, the following voucher codes will cause tracking issues: 50%off and 25.off. In this example, changing the voucher codes to 50OFF and 25PC-OFF respectively, would ensure that there are no issues caused by voucher code formatting (these are just examples and you can name your codes anything else but without the use of the special characters/spacing).
I'm seeing duplicate tracking tags for each successful order
A discrepancy that is caused by the website or a client mistake.
Solution: Ensure there are no redirects to another page, from the confirmation page, and confirm that there is only one checkout referrer. For example, when an order is placed, the page should go to 'example.com/thankyou' and not from 'example.com/thankyou' then automatically redirect to 'example.com/ordercomplete'. Please also double-check that the plugin AND the tracking scripts are not implemented together. They both do the same thing so if the plugin is installed, the scripts should not be implemented to the back-end and vice versa.