Voucher Attribution
  • 10 Jan 2025
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Voucher Attribution

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Article summary

Voucher Attribution is a tracking method that enables cookie-less tracking by tracking sales based solely on the voucher code in use.

How does it work?

Voucher Attribution enabled codes can be given exclusively to a Publisher of your choosing. Publishers with these codes can then drive sales in places such as social media sites and, without the use of an Awin link, be rewarded for such sales.


Sales tracked via Voucher Attribution will always be awarded to the assigned Publisher for a given voucher. This means that if another Publisher picks up the code and drives sales with it, the commission will be awarded only to the exclusive Publisher.

Channel Settings

The Channel Parameter setting means you can track voucher codes only when a specific channel parameter value is present. Please get in touch with your Awin Account Manager or technical point of contact to change this setting.

Tracking Requirements

To enable Voucher Attribution, your integration must meet the following requirements:

  • Have either:

    • Unconditional tracking enabled or;

    • use the Channel parameter to dedupe against other channels.

  • Voucher codes sent via the Voucher Code parameter of our tracking tags.

Setting Up Voucher Attribution

You’ll first need to set up the linking between a given voucher and the desired Publisher. This can be accomplished in the Awin UI.

Once logged into the UI, navigate through to “My Offers”.
Toolbox > Links & Tools > My Offers

Click Add Voucher and fill in the voucher details.

After clicking continue, you’ll need to Enable Voucher Attribution. Once this enabled, please select the exclusive Publisher for your voucher.

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